Thursday, December 04, 2008

Heart Broke

Today my heart broke
At first I laughed
Amused at the thought
Bewildered at the joke
How can sincerity result in this heart stroke?
My emotions became this unbearable smoke
My words and thoughts made me choke
My heart’s verses of love no longer spoke

Through this broken heart I did create
Unable to read the signs
Where reality and dream never did conjugate
I awaited his undying claim to my name
To my revitalizing fame of a dazzling dame
I was to be his aim, igniting his heart’s flame
See, although this never did happen with him and I
I did not let my heart cry
Nor my thoughts die
Nor moments surface into just what he meant
It was deeper
See, I did not blame his not coming into reality of my reality of dreams
I did not blame him for his inability to feel what I feel
I was the one being real
He was just blinded by people and women who spoke the speech
Sang the song
I was just real
I was the real deal
His satisfying love meal
I did not blame him

Then my heart broke
My walk lost its steady gait
My dreams no longer wrote my fate
Sincere thoughts, wishes and prayers
Would not, as thought, deduce my soul mate

My thoughts were an array of confusion
I still thought of us as one
Holding on to the unshaken illusion
As we walked in my perfect delusion
Of lust, love, infatuation
I locked my own heart, barricaded it to seclusion
Secluded anyone that might proclaim their love for me
Because I was constructing the thought of my happily
Secluded it to any moment that might show he felt for me otherwise
I took those moments and dressed it up in a disguise
Of true love for me, where I created the truthful lies
And made his love rise
And again, when reality came to demise my tries of my love’s guise
I would revise, raise my hands to the skies
Hoping that it is not indeed my lies
Even through the broken heart
My heart held on to its once romantic conclusion
Through this remarkably constructed illusion
And my heart… in it’s seclusion

Holding on with every vein
Blinded to the beating heart’s pain
I wrote my own love letters
Drank two cups of halal champagne

Today, my heart broke
Still seems like a joke
I’m trying to listen to my heart
It’s once lust, love, infatuation was a riot
But now it’s quiet
Silenced by the thought of never
The thought of never, forever

I still hear it beating though
Quiet, relenting, soft, and slow
Almost like it’s taking in the moment of this blow
Of what it did already know
The equation of him and I that would never occur like so
See, I was suppose to run in a field of roses
Into his arms of utter love for me

Him I do not blame
My heart was not used as a game
It was just regarded as the same
As any other lady that did claim, their undying love for him
Why was that an even harder pain?

Dear heart
Of mine
Do not fall apart
Things will be fine
Allah(SWT) has already ordained it all
This is where we were ordained to fall
And call
Upon the one who has written it all
Perhaps, if our call is as sincere as the feelings that proceeded such a blow
I believe
I know
Allah(SWT) will help us use this moment to grow
I believe
I know

Today, my heart spoke

After a deep slumber of pain
It awoke
“I believe, I know”
It said softly
And I felt tranquility flow
“I believe, I know”

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Your Sister

Have you ever watched your heart break?
As the passion shatters into indifference
As the hope dies in disappointment
As the love chokes in hate

You watch your heart cry
Wonder why people don't see the real intentions
Not meaning to secretly please those that can never be pleased
Always looking for faults
Doubting sincerity
Doubting sincere in thee

I was afraid about my intentions
What if they were never sincere?
Or real
Or meaning to please the One

Yet it is the doubt in others that breaks my heart
Perhaps the words I uttered were mistaken
Somehow taken
To be fake in
The sake in
I tried to create it in

I can't help looking into the eyes of
The one who assumes
That I wanted to lead another into sin,
Unholy the touch of a woman

Yet I never wanted to touch you
Never did the thought cross my mind
I was born with a body that differentiated me
A voice that distinguished me
A laugh that brightened me
All making me
A woman

Yet, sorry
I never wanted to touch you
Not with my hand
Or heart
Or mind

But yes I am a woman
A Muslim woman
You call me sister
I laugh
I laugh so hard
You would never treat a sister like this

I want to lead you to a darkness I dread
You're not the only one waiting to meet your lord when you're dead
I assure you I don't use my body
I utilize my head

But yes I am a woman
You call me your sister
Yet you treat me like a disease
Like somehow I have the power to change you
To lead you to self destruction
Where you will be in doom

I never wanted to touch you
I still don't
Never will
That's not what every woman wants to do to a man
And certainly, not a man of your nature

Misunderstanding the intentions that were built
In a warmth of duaa
In the tranquility of prayer
In the wealth of tears
I never wanted to touch you

Did you ever see your heart break?
As the passion shatters into indifference
As the hope dies in disappointment
As the love chokes in hate

I did